Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


In October, Uruguay hosted the Blockchain Accelerator, a series of workshops for developers targeted to government agencies. (@AnaKarinaLucero)

Fear of Crypto Limits Uruguay’s Blockchain Overtures

1170 658 Paz Gómez

State Officials Only Want Innovation under Their Thumb

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Mark Steyn Warns Debt Corroding the American Soul Investors Host Conservative Firebrand in New Orleans Mark Steyn was the keynote speaker on Sunday at the New Orleans Investment Conference in Louisiana. (Fergus Hodgson)

Mark Steyn Warns Debt Corroding the American Soul

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Investors Host Conservative Firebrand in New Orleans

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As has become customary in the index’s history, Hong Kong and Singapore remain at the top two positions. (Fraser Institute)

Latin America Gets Failing Grade in Economic Freedom

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Lack of Rule of Law, Property Rights Characterize Regional Stagnation

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free speech universities canada
Mark Mercer, president of Canada's Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship, says "Many universities promise to be fora for open and candid discussion, and then withdraw their promise by issuing safe and respectful campus policies … that assimilate words to harassment and violence." (Brian Turner)

Majority of Canadian Universities Fail Free-Speech Assessment

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Justice Centre Index Doles Out Dozens of F Grades

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Julian Assange supporters pose at the Grand Canyon to demand his freedom. (#FreeAssange!)

Petitioners Demand End to Julian Assange’s Blockade

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Nearly 100,000 Back Communication Access for Guerrilla Journalist

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Classical liberals chose Panama for their Economic Freedom of the World Network meeting, and the overarching theme was populism. From left to right: David Henneberger (Germany and Mexico), Juan Carlos Hidalgo (Costa Rica and the United States), Olympias Raptis (Greece and Belgium), and Surse Pierpoint (Panama). (Fergus Hodgson)

Liberals Plan to Prevail in Populist Era

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Panama City Hosts Free Marketeers for Brainstorming, Data Sharing

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Fintech Colombia
President Iván Duque took the stage at Andicom, a tech conference held in Cartagena each year. (Hiram Lopez-Landin)

Colombia on Mission to Be Latin America’s Tech Hub

1170 658 Paz Gómez

President Iván Duque Unveils Plan to Attract Investors, Entrepreneurs

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customs union sign
El Salvador formally joined the Central American customs union on August 20, with President Salvador Sánchez Cerén seen on the lift at the ceremony. (Armando Flores)

El Salvador Bolsters Central American Customs Union

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Three Countries Now Make Up Free-Trade Zone of 31.9 Million People

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kirchners raised tax burden
Néstor and Cristina Kirchner ruled Argentina from 2003 to 2015. (Wikimedia)

Argentina’s Taxes the Fastest Rising in Latin America

1170 658 Paz Gómez

The Land of Perón Outweighs Neighbors with Fiscal Burden

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Protests Argentina
A public demonstration in May 2018 against hikes in public utility bills, which include home-heating gas. (Banfield)

Argentina Defaults on Gas Payments, Foments Standoff with Bolivia

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Mauricio Macri Turns to Chile amid Budget Cuts Required by IMF

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