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Venezuela sanctions
Venezuelan citizens stage confrontational protests over scarcities of food, medicine, and other necessities. (Wikimedia)

US Senators Up the Ante for Sanctions on Chavistas

1170 658 Guest Author

Bipartisan Bill Opens the Door for Aid, Closes the Door for Venezuelan Oppressors

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foreign aid debate
Senator Mike Lee (right) of Utah wants to undo what he sees as a deep-seated ideological bias in the State Department and USAID. (Gage Skidmore)

US Senators: Stop Foreign Aid for Violent Progressives

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Mike Lee Letter Warns Secretary Tillerson of Status Quo Alignment with Leftists

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People have taken to the streets in several Ecuadorian cities to protest the current regime. (Ecuavisa)

Why Ecuadorians Don’t Trust the Election Results

1170 658 Guest Author

Citizen Journalism Reveals Glaring Dirty Work

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