Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


neobank user
Despite Latin America’s legendary burdensome regulations, the first neobank in the region also emerged in 2013. (Canva)

Neobanks a Game-Changer for Unbanked in Brazil

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Despite economic woes, Brazil has emerged as an unlikely global leader in the next generation of banks.

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alternative investments scrutiny
WeWork's 2019 IPO fiasco was a wake-up call for venture capital. (Wikimedia)

Can Alternative Investments Withstand Mainstream Scrutiny?

710 350

Once deemed the Wild West of finance, alternative investments have matured and doubled their market share over the past 15 years.

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Wealth Management in Latin America
Colombian authorities have taken meaningful steps to encourage innovation and technology in financial markets. (Canva)

How Wealth Management Is Reshaping Latin America

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Key Trends Point to Sector Flowering within Five Years

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With so much sensitive data floating around, private companies are also abusing it. (FCPP)

How to Protect Privacy in a Cashless Economy

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Canadian Legislators Have Acknowledged the Value of Privacy

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central banks challenge
Central banks face a conundrum: for survival, they have little choice but to enter the digital-currency race. (FCPP)

Central Bankers Need to Learn to Code

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

They Are No Longer the Only Game in Town

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Two major trends are facilitating the transition to classical-liberal limited government. (Pxhere)

How the Fintech Revolution Could Liberate Us

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

The Welfare State Will Lose to Competitive Governance

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In the face of mounting living costs and rising debts, savvy employers will let labor providers cash out their compensation as soon as they wish. (TOrange)

Real-Time Pay: A Boon for Workers

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Immediate Compensation Is Set to More Than Quadruple over the Next Five Years

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All three specific recommendations done by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance would harm the fintech sector. (Canva)

Crypto Innovation on the Chopping Block

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Liechtenstein, Malta Are Cryptocurrency Role Models, not the United States

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The bay of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. (Wikimedia)

5 Steps Colombia Can Take to Dominate Fintech

1170 658

Unleash Entrepreneurial Spirit by Cutting Red Tape, Rejecting Protectionism

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Fintech Colombia
President Iván Duque took the stage at Andicom, a tech conference held in Cartagena each year. (Hiram Lopez-Landin)

Colombia on Mission to Be Latin America’s Tech Hub

1170 658 Paz Gómez

President Iván Duque Unveils Plan to Attract Investors, Entrepreneurs

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