Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


Julian Assange supporters pose at the Grand Canyon to demand his freedom. (#FreeAssange!)

Petitioners Demand End to Julian Assange’s Blockade

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Nearly 100,000 Back Communication Access for Guerrilla Journalist

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Propagandia cover
Un documental que vale la pena ver para comprender los peligros del control estatal de los medios. (Propagandia)

Documental revela cómo se consolidó el correísmo en Ecuador

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Las maniobras políticas y publicitarias fueron los principales recursos de Rafael Correa

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Propagandia cover
Propagandia is a documentary worth watching to understand the dangers of state control over the media. (Propagandia)

How 21st-Century Socialism Got Hold of Ecuador

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Propaganda: The Master Plan of the “Citizen Revolution”

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crypto atms ecuador
Over 100 people attended the presentation of the first crypto ATMs assembled in Ecuador. (Dany Ledesma)

Ecuador’s First Crypto ATMs Defy Prohibition

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Entrepreneurs Vow to Provide Formal, Safe Transaction System for Private Currencies

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freedom app
Freedom empowers activists within political parties and boosts interaction with leaders. (Pexels)

Freedom App Vows to Disrupt Parties, Improve Internal Democracy

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Political parties struggle with many of the same problems that they try to solve in government:  corruption, waste, nepotism, lack of transparency, and poor communication. Leaders are disconnected from their base, and members feel…

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The state's "Tourism for All" campaign targets people with disabilities as potential tourists. (Rinaldo Wurglitsch)

Ecuador’s Tourism Campaign a Populist Distraction

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Money Taken for Appearances Unavailable for Security, Investment

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Anti Chevron Campaign
La ambientalista Alexandra Costeau collaboró conn la campaña "Mano Sucia de Chevron" impulsada por el gobierno de Correa. (Cancillería del Ecuador)

Si Ecuador ganara a Chevron, aún pierde

1170 658 Guest Author

La batalla legal no promete la adecuada compensación a las comunidades afectadas

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Anti Chevron Campaign
Environmentalist Alexandra Costeau collaborated with the Mano Sucia de Chevron campaign (dirty hand of Chevron) supported by the Correa administration. (Cancillería del Ecuador)

Even if Ecuador Wins against Chevron, She Still Loses

1170 658 Guest Author

Affected Communities Need Restitution, Case Distracts from Promising Future

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Ecuadorian Attorney General Carlos Baca reports on the investigations into Odebrecht from the Audit Commission of the National Assembly. (Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador)

Another Odebrecht Scandal Is Waiting to Happen All Over Again

1170 658 Guest Author

Severe Judicial Action Must Follow, Fostered by an Aggressive Press

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El Fiscal General del Ecuador, Carlos Baca, informa sobre los avances de las investigaciones de Odebrecht a la Comisión de Fiscalización de la Asamblea Nacional. (Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador)

Un nuevo ‘escándalo Odebrecht’ podría suceder

1170 658 Guest Author

Una rigurosa acción judicial y una prensa agresiva son imperativas

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