Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


Finance for Social Media

How to Package Finance for Social Media

664 590 & EA Staff

Interview with Paula Gaviria of Colombia

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subsoil privatization
Cerrejón, a large open-pit coal mine in Colombia. (Wikimedia)

How to Break the Privatization Taboo in Colombia

1024 681 Paz Gómez

María Alejandra Londoño Makes Case for Subsoil Resources

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freedom app
Freedom empowers activists within political parties and boosts interaction with leaders. (Pexels)

Freedom App Vows to Disrupt Parties, Improve Internal Democracy

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Political parties struggle with many of the same problems that they try to solve in government:  corruption, waste, nepotism, lack of transparency, and poor communication. Leaders are disconnected from their base, and members feel…

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Probiotics have proved effective in health treatments such as the prevention and therapy of gastrointestinal problems. In recent years, dentists have also tried them in oral-health procedures with promising results. (rgerber)

Guatemala Tests Probiotics for Oral-Health Breakthrough

1170 658 Guest Author

Guatemala Tests Probiotics for Oral-Health Breakthrough
Gum-Disease Treatment in Early Trial Stages

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gun rights
José Niño says targeted lobbying and political engagement, more than education, has a swift impact. (Hayden Beaumont)

How to Get Legislative Results for Gun Rights

1170 658 Paz Gómez

12 States Pass Constitutional Carry, Thanks to Targeted Activism

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reforestemos guate
Reforestemos Guate is a private initiative to promote forestry awareness and convenient reforestation. (Reforestemos Guate)

Deforestation Faces Next-Generation Opponent in Guatemala

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Uninformed Consumption, Loss of Precious Resource Inspires Community Alliance

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Jorge Colindres won the 2016 Latin America Think Tank Shark Tank for his "Access to Justice for All" pitch. (Jorge Colindres)

Taxpayer Advocacy Bears Fruit in Honduras

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Jorge Colindres Drives Public Opinion, Preempts the Man

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Carmina Valdizán, flanked by hosts of La Ciudad de los Libros, has learned how to gain and maintain an audience. (@cvaldiz)

Build Your Own Audience So You Don’t Need a Publisher

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Carmina Valdizán Shares Two Strategies That Paved the Way for Her Novels

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Guatemala rio dulce
Río Dulce (sweet river) in Guatemala is one of Steve Hecht's favorite places on earth. (Steve Hecht)

45 Years an Expat in Guatemala

1170 658 Guest Author

Budding Financier Trades the Big Apple for Central America, Discovers Anti-Capitalist Collusion

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Dakar Parada with Hans Hermann Hoppe (left) at the Rafael del Pino Foundation lecture series in Madrid. (Dakar Parada)

Socialism Is the Root of Venezuela’s Disaster

1170 658 Guest Author

Diaspora Testifies to Misery on the Home Front, a Nation Lost to Despotism

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