Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


The Brazil-based fintech company has weathered its first market correction after more than 800,000 people bought its stocks. (Nubank)

Brazil’s Nubank Needs a Bird in the Hand

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Digital, Discount Bank Can Still Realize Potential as Losses Mount

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SAo Paulo, home to many Latin American unicorns
Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest and wealthiest city, is home to many Latin American unicorns and entrepreneurs. (Wikimedia)

What Latin American Unicorns Have in Common

2560 1280 Daniel Duarte

US-Funded, Brazil-Oriented Fintech Firms Dominate the Landscape

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Brazilians stocks
In 2020, 1.5 million new investors started trading through the country’s major exchange, B3. (Rafael Matsunaga)

How the Pandemic Drove Brazilians to Stocks

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Young, Retail Investors Embrace Online Discount Brokers

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neobank user
Despite Latin America’s legendary burdensome regulations, the first neobank in the region also emerged in 2013. (Canva)

Neobanks a Game-Changer for Unbanked in Brazil

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Despite economic woes, Brazil has emerged as an unlikely global leader in the next generation of banks.

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brazil's pension reform
Brazil’s pension system is among the most generous in the world, according to the OECD. (Alexa_Fotos)

Brazil’s Pension Reform: A Herculean Task

1170 658 Maurício Bento

Investor Confidence, Economic Growth Tied to Positive Outcome

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brazil pension reform
The National Social Security Institute is a federal agency that handles Brazil's pensions. (Wikimedia)

Why Brazil Cannot Avoid Pension Reform

800 537 Maurício Bento

Ageing Population, Privileges Underpin Untenable System

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Brazil: Will the Wall Hold between Military and Politics? Cooptation or Cooperation to Define Bolsonaro Presidency brazil bolsonaro military Presidential guard troops salute the national flag in Brasília, the country's capital. (Agência Brasil)

Brazil: Will the Wall Hold between Military and Politics?

1170 658 Daniel Duarte

Cooptation or Cooperation to Define Bolsonaro Presidency

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Election Brazil
"Lula" da Silva, 2003-2011 Brazilian president, seeks a comeback from prison. (LSE Library)

Brazil: Presidential Election 2018

1170 658 Daniel Duarte

Unprecedented 13 Candidates Face Off

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