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Venezuela sanctions
Venezuelan citizens stage confrontational protests over scarcities of food, medicine, and other necessities. (Wikimedia)

US Senators Up the Ante for Sanctions on Chavistas

1170 658 Guest Author

Bipartisan Bill Opens the Door for Aid, Closes the Door for Venezuelan Oppressors

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bitcoin atm remittances
Bitcoin ATMs have begun popping up in Latino neighborhoods throughout the United States. (Google Maps)

Can Bitcoin Subvert a Border-Wall Remittance Tax?

1170 658 Guest Author

Trump Has Time on His Side, but Cryptocurrency Network Is Growing

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Dakar Parada with Hans Hermann Hoppe (left) at the Rafael del Pino Foundation lecture series in Madrid. (Dakar Parada)

Socialism Is the Root of Venezuela’s Disaster

1170 658 Guest Author

Diaspora Testifies to Misery on the Home Front, a Nation Lost to Despotism

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Many Californians feel disenfranchised by the federal government and want a separate nation. (CNP)

How to Achieve an Independent California

1170 658 Guest Author

New Party Rejects Federal Overreach, Lays the Foundation for Nationhood

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red pill
Paul Elam (left) features prominently in the film that took the director on a path she did not expect. (The Red Pill)

The Film Feminists Don’t Want You to See

1170 658 Guest Author

‘The Red Pill’ Will Change Your View of Gender Politics Forever

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Lenín Moreno (Alianza País) enfrentará a Guillermo Lasso (CREO) en segunda vuelta el próximo domingo 2 de abril. (Andes)

Alianza PAIS: La campaña de miedo que no le sirvió

1170 658 Guest Author

Afán por atacar a opositor Guillermo Lasso podría conducir al partido de Rafael Correa al autosabotaje

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Lenín Moreno will face Guillermo Lasso in the second round of elections, to be held on April 2, 2017 (Andes)

Fear Mongering Is All Ecuador’s Socialists Have Left

1170 658 Guest Author

Guillermo Lasso Is the Target of Projection from Corrupt Insiders

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Progressives Are a Lost Cause Tom Woods Makes You Think Twice before Engaging Women's March protesters Social-justice warriors at the Women's March on Washington. (Liz Lemon)

Progressives Are a Lost Cause

1170 658 Guest Author

Tom Woods Makes You Think Twice before Engaging

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People have taken to the streets in several Ecuadorian cities to protest the current regime. (Ecuavisa)

Why Ecuadorians Don’t Trust the Election Results

1170 658 Guest Author

Citizen Journalism Reveals Glaring Dirty Work

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