Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance


In 2019, Chile became the second-largest producer of lithium in the world, just after Australia. (Canva)

What Lithium Nationalization Portends for Chile

1170 658 Paz Gómez

New President Raises Barriers to Production, Flips Industry Incentives

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ScaleX Announcement
ScaleX is a public-private initiative that seeks to turn Chile into Latin America’s startup-investment hub. (Corfo)

Chile Sets Up First Venture Exchange in Latin America

1170 658 Paz Gómez

ScaleX Aims to Fund 10 Startups in 2022

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Matthew Raphael Johnson
Matthew Raphael Johnson does more harm than good by writing on Latin America. (Realist Report)

Matthew Raphael Johnson’s Perversion of Latin American History

1285 630 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

DIY Book Shows Pitfalls of Putting Ideology before Evidence

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MILA will not take off until member countries harmonize investment rules and provide tax incentives. (MILA)

The Latin American Integrated Market (MILA): A Misnomer?

1170 658 Daniel Duarte

Lack of Harmonization, Red Tape Hamper Investment

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libre comercio chile
Chile cuenta con tratados comerciales que abarcan 65 mercados, incluído Canadá, lo que representa el 88 % del PIB mundial. (Pixabay)

Libre comercio peligra si marxistas toman la posta en Chile

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Una nueva Constitución que impida apertura económica afectará exportaciones canadienses

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chile financial hub
According to Fitch, Chile is the most stable country in Latin America in terms of political, economic, and operational risks. (alobos life)

Chile Aims to Become Regional Financial Hub

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Piñera Administration Vows to Cut Red Tape, Attract Foreign Investment

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The startup aims to give recyclers better access to reusable products and to promote recycling in Chile. (Reciclapp)

The App to Catalyze Next-Generation Recycling in Chile

1170 658 Guest Author

Reciclapp Compensates Trash Pickers, Formalizes Their Role in Society

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Mexican actor Gael García Bernal plays Chilean René Saavedra in the film No (2012), as he led the campaign against Augusto Pinochet in 1988.

‘No’: How PR Ended Chile’s Dictatorship

740 365 Paz Gómez

Dramatization Offers Wisdom on Motivating People, Achieving Meaningful Change

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