Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance

sharing economy

bike sharing colombia
The seemingly simple concept has swept across the globe in a matter of just a few years. (Biciestación)

Priceless: Bike Sharing Garners Profits in Colombia without User Fees

1170 658 Guest Author

Two Young Entrepreneurs Get Cali Residents to Ride a New Model

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How the Sharing Economy Liberates Us Innovative Business Models Respond to Spontaneous Order sharing economy The peer-to-peer economy meets the needs of consumers without ownership transfer via "resource sharing." (Vice)

How the Sharing Economy Liberates Us

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Innovative Business Models Respond to Spontaneous Order

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Quito, Ecuador: Los espacios de trabajo colaborativo promueven la colaboración entre profesionales y empresas para enfrentar dificultades actuales. (WorkingUp)

Los espacios de coworking invaden América Latina

1170 658 Guest Author

La región se integra a las tendencias mundiales para facilitar la creación de nuevos negocios

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Quito, Ecuador: co-working spaces allow professionals to collaborate and rise to contemporary challenges. (WorkingUp)

Why Latin America Is Ripe for Co-Working Spaces

1170 658 Guest Author

Entrepreneurs Arrive Like Bees to Honey, Modernize Business Practices

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Miami's coveted hotel market is the center of a standoff as Airbnb unravels regulation and protectionism. (Jimmy Baikovicius)

Airbnb Descends into Political Dogfight with New PAC in Florida

1170 658 Guest Author

Hotel Lobby’s Peer-to-Peer Competitor Won’t Be Intimidated

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