Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance

stock market

Brad Katsuyama of IEX
Brad Katsuyama, CEO of IEX, features prominently in Flash Boys and describes Wall Street as rigged. (Lehigh University)

The ‘Flash Boys’ Tax on Market Participants

1211 680 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Michael Lewis Explains the Financial Club That Lives On

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The Brazil-based fintech company has weathered its first market correction after more than 800,000 people bought its stocks. (Nubank)

Brazil’s Nubank Needs a Bird in the Hand

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Digital, Discount Bank Can Still Realize Potential as Losses Mount

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ScaleX Announcement
ScaleX is a public-private initiative that seeks to turn Chile into Latin America’s startup-investment hub. (Corfo)

Chile Sets Up First Venture Exchange in Latin America

1170 658 Paz Gómez

ScaleX Aims to Fund 10 Startups in 2022

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BIVA’s purpose is to encourage more companies to engage in the stock market by implementing cutting-edge technology. (BIVA)

US Investors Can Now Tap Into Mexico’s Newest Stock Exchange

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Bolsa Institucional de Valores Enters North American Trading Markets

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Brokerage in Ecuador
Ecuador, South America’s sole dollarized economy, is back on the radar of foreign investors. (472619)

How to Choose a Brokerage in Ecuador

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Our Side-by-Side Comparison for Foreigners

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