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climate change

Gibbs’s discoveries dethrone well-known leaders of the green-energy movement in the United States. (Stop These Things)

‘Planet of the Humans’ Defrocks Faux Environmentalists

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Green-Energy Profiteering Compels Responsible Investment, End to Subsidies

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global warming
Government regulation is not the only way; consumer-driven incentives can also protect the environment. (Geralt)

Let Consumers Combat Global Warming

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Replace Burdensome Income Taxes With Carbon-Tax Swap

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global warming landscape
Now the Earth is approaching the next big melt, and that explains some rising temperatures in recent years. (Pixels)

Canadian Documentary Pokes Holes in Global-Warming Mantra

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Alarmism Is Not Good Science

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