Econ Americas LLC | The frontier of finance

united states

international students
The National Association of Foreign Student Advisers estimates that three US jobs are supported and created for every seven international students enrolled. (Cumminsr)

Fewer International Students a Loss for America

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

High Fees, Red Tape Hamper Job Creation, Competitiveness

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incarceration nation
Even if countries such as China, North Korea, and Russia fudge numbers, no other developed country comes close to the US incarceration rate. (Pixabay)

America Need Not Be the Incarceration Nation

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Over-Criminalization Makes Everyone a Potential Felon

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utah landscape
Salt Lake City and Provo exemplify the positive effects of Utah's tax and labor policies. (Elizabeth Haslam)

Utah Once Again Shows the Way to Prosperity

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Less Government Expenditure, Lower Tax Rates Increase Economic Growth

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people against wall street
A 10 años de la crisis: los salvatajes han fallado a los estadounidenses Es tiempo de que Wall Street sea responsable de sus propias decisiones salvatajes eeuu Los manifestantes piden que se terminen las crisis financieras, pero sus exigencias pueden hacerlas más frecuentes. (Shawn Sebastian)

A 10 años de la crisis: los salvatajes han fallado a los estadounidenses

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Es tiempo de que Wall Street sea responsable de sus propias decisiones

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fiscal impact protest
Until voters accept major spending cuts, they are digging the fiscal grave of the United States. (David Shankbone)

Why Fiscal Warnings Fall on Deaf Ears

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Future Generations Are Inheriting an Impossible Burden

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To avoid a bailout, the US Postal Service needs unlikely higher revenues from parcel delivery. (Thomas Hawk)

The End Is Nigh: USPS Monopoly No Longer Viable

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Traditional Mail Is Disappearing

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Temporary protected status will expire for Salvadorans, so they must return to their poverty- and crime-stricken nation. (FMSC)

Do Third-World Migrants Benefit the United States?

1170 658 Guest Author

The Welfare State Offers Perverse Incentives, Clouds Analysis

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Published in 2017, Freedom First compiles 108 articles on common-sense economics and freedom. (Ben Johnson)

Socialist Millennials Meet Their Match

1170 658 Paz Gómez

Young Americans Misguidedly Champion Redistribution, Regulation

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Jones Act protectionism means US-made ships are five times as expensive as foreign counterparts. (Jim Bauer)

The Jones Act Needs to Set Sail

1170 658 Fergus Hodgson, CAIA

Regulatory Burden Discourages Innovation, Benefits US Shilp Builders

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Ivan Jankovic, an immigrant from Serbia by way of Canada, teaches economics in North Dakota and has a bone to pick with the Fraser Institute ranking. (Birds of Prey 165)

Fraser Institute Freedom Ranking Belies the America I Know

1170 658 Guest Author

The Pitfalls, Limits of Data Come to the Fore

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